Luzula multiflora

Vielblütige Wood-rush ( Luzula multiflora )

The Vielblütige Wood-rush ( Luzula multiflora ) is a plant from the family of Rushes. The long-lived seeds are spread by ants.


The Vielblütige Wood-rush grows dichtrasig to Horstig, thus forms no foothills, and is about 15 to 40 inches tall. The upright inflorescence is composed of distinctly stalked spikelets. The perianth of each single flower is pale yellowish brown, almost always colored brown with age. The outer tepals are up to 3.8 mm long and have a narrow or wide skin edge. The dust bag is approximately twice as long as the filaments. The stylus is no longer than 1 mm, which is about 2 mm long scars fall rapidly. The basal leaves are about 3.5 mm wide. The seeds have an appendage about 0.5 mm long.


Luzula multiflora populated mostly alternating fresh to moist sand and silicate Magerrasen. It has its main occurrence in the plant formation of dwarf shrub heath and Nardus grasslands and a secondary occurrence in clear, acidic deciduous and coniferous forests with nutrient-poor soils. It is also to be found in heathen, extensively used on wet meadows and fens. Phytosociological they can best be of order Atropetalia, order Caricetalia fuscae and Class Molinio - Arrhenatheretea assign. The plant is moderately frequent in Germany. Its distribution is circumpolar area on northern and southern hemispheres.
