Lyakhovsky Islands

The Liakhov Islands (Russian Ляховские острова, Yakut Ляхов арыылара ) are the southernmost islands of the New Siberian Islands. From the North Siberian mainland separates the 60-km wide Laptev Strait, from the more northerly Anschuinseln the Sannikowstraße.

Were discovered the islands in 1710 by Cossack Yakov Permyakov 1712 he explored it together with Merkuri Wagin.

Dominating the islands of the Great Liakhov Island ( Большой Ляховский ), which is 4,600 square kilometers and extends up to 270 m over the sea, and the little ones Liakhov Island ( Малый Ляховский ), which is 1325 km ². Another island is Stolbowoi ( Столбовой остров ). The Semyon Island ( Семёновский остров ) has disappeared in the 1960s in the sea.

The name of the island dates back to Ivan Liakhov, a dealer who found the islands in hopes of mammoth bones and ivory in 1773 explored. This asserted thereafter, the amount of mammoth bones and tusks is so huge that one can think of the islands consist of. A similar picture is said to have shown on the other islands of the archipelago.

On 29 May 2013, the discovery of a well-preserved mammoth carcass with muscle tissue and liquid blood was announced. The remains of the animal were in the permafrost of the Little Liakhov Island.
