
As Maausk (literally "land - faith " ) refers to the Estonian today the religious beliefs of Estonians front of the medieval Christianization of Estonia and Livonia, which is strongly influenced by pantheistic ideas. The term originated in modern times from the compound of Estonian maa ( "Country" ) and usk ( " faith "). It is the term Maarahva replicated ( " country - folk " ), the Estonian self-description of Estonians until the 19th century.

Maausk now serves as a term for a neopaganistisch movement that advocated a religious self-identification of the Estonians. The aim is to propagate the religious field the return to Estonian roots without "foreign" faith influences.

Content of faith

About the pre-Christian pagan beliefs of Estonians Maausk as there are only sparse sources, mostly from the pen of the Christian conquerors and missionaries in the Baltics. The Maausk is understood as part of the Estonian folk mythology or a religious folk culture. The worship of nature and of their own ancestors probably stood at the center of religion. The Maausk is therefore characterized as Estonian form of pantheism or understood as a belief in nature and animism.


Neo-pagan followers of Maausk have tried to revive the Maausk in the 20th century. They emphasize the unity of the Estonians with the land, the plants, animals, stones, etc. Metaphorically speaking, the entire world comes from a single "mother", the Maaema. Special worship experience the ( sacred ) grove ( Hiis ) where earth, water, stones, plants meet. Basis of Maausk is the diversity of nature. He propagates a natural way of life of the people.

The charisma of Maausk as neo-pagan movement is limited in today's Estonia. 1058 people stated in the Estonian population census in 2000, to be followers of Taarausk or Maausk. The transitions to traditional medicine, folksy superstition and "natural" ways of life are flowing. 1995, the Taarausuliste founded yes Maausuliste Maavalla Koda as faith club for the care of Maausk and Taarausk.

Demarcation to Taarausk

The transitions to Taarausk are not clearly defined. During the Taarausk deliberately conceived as neo-pagan national movement with a clear doctrine can be seen in Maausk an " original ", " non-dogmatic " faith pagan Estonians. The Maausk is understood that related to the Religious living heritage of the Estonian people. A dogmatic theology in the strict sense, he rejects as opposed to Taarausk.
