Mac OS Roman

Mac OS Roman ( Macintosh novel, short MacRoman ) is used by Mac OS 8 - bit character set for Western Europe and America.

MacRoman is described in RFC 1345. The encodable with seven bit characters correspond to the 7- bittigen US-ASCII. In addition to the 95 displayable ASCII characters (hexadecimal 0x20 - 0x7E ) encoding MacRoman 128 more ( 0x80 - 0xFF), for a total of 223 theoretically possible 256 ( = 28). The positions 0x00 - 0x1F and 0x7F are assigned any printable characters, since there are in these positions code control characters.

MacRoman tried to cover as many special characters of Western European languages ​​, mathematics, and typography and was partially designed by Adobe Systems. The positions of the non- ASCII characters soft case from those in the cross-system counterpart ISO 8859-1 and the acts building upon Windows 1252.

The euro sign ( € ) at position DBhex was introduced in 1998 with Mac OS 8.5 and replaced the generic currency sign (¤). At position 20 hex is the normal space ( SP), at position CAhex the protected space ( NBSP ).

The Apple logo on code position F0hex was with the conversion to Unicode in private -use area codes from Apple at position U F8FF, it is therefore not an official Unicode characters.

Microsoft Windows performs the character set Code Page 10,000.
