Maciej Zaremba

Maciej Zaremba ( born March 12, 1951 in Poznań ( Poland) ) is a Swedish journalist and writer since 1989, employees of the arts editor of Dagens Nyheter.

Zaremba in 1969 from Poland to Sweden. In his youth he was a member of the Communist Förbundet, with its decline he turned away even from communism.

Zaremba et al studied History and history of ideas. He used to write for the magazine Moderna tider and is active as a freelance journalist. A larger number reportage series he wrote for Dagens Nyheter, including the attention-getting series about forced sterilization in Sweden during the 1930s and 1940s.

In 2005 he wrote a series of reports under the title The polske rörmokaren (English about: the Polish plumber ) over the Vaxholmkonflikt. According to Zaremba show there protectionism and xenophobia in the Swedish trade union movement ( " fackföreningen ").

Zaremba also has the term " brunvänster ": put together ( "brown left" ). He is also a translator of Polish literature into Swedish.

Since 1982, Maciej Zaremba is married to the author Agneta Pleijel.


  • The polske och andra rörmokaren berättelser från Sverige, Norrstedts, Stockholm 2006, ISBN 91-1-301606-7
  • Kyrkan & Friheten: en debattbok om the fria Svenska Kyrkans identitet och democratic, Cordia, Gothenburg 2000, ISBN 91-86082-88-4
  • De rena och de andra: om tvångssteriliseringar, och rashygien arvsynd, Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm 1999, ISBN 91-7588-328-7