Macrognathus siamensis

Peacock spiny eel ( Macrognathus siamensis )

The peacock spiny eel ( Macrognathus siamensis ) occurs in Thailand in the Mekong, Chao Phraya and other rivers.


They have a aalähnliche, laterally flattened but shape and are 30 cm long. Dorsal, caudal and anal fins are not grown together. The dorsal fin is supported 13 to 19 spines and 53 soft rays. In the anal fin there are 49 soft rays. The number of vertebrae is 75 In the rear of the dorsal fin base, they are three to six conspicuous eye-spots. You are far greater than in Macrognathus aral. Macrognathus siamensis lack the fine strips of M. meklongensis aral and M..

Way of life

Peacock spiny eels live on the ground slow-flowing or stagnant water and also go into flooded forests and fields. They hide during the day often so that only looks out of the head in the sandy ground. They feed on insect larvae, crustaceans and worms and are used for human consumption or as an aquarium fish caught by humans.
