
Madeline is the name of the heroine and also the name of a children's book comes in its rhyming text and illustrations by Ludwig Bemelmans, an American author of Austrian origin.

Madeline is a seven to eight year old girl, red-haired, courageous and sociable. It is the smallest of their group in a small Catholic girls' boarding school in Paris and experienced a variety of adventures. In the first volume of the series she is a dangerous appendicitis. Madeline is mothered by her kind teacher, Miss Clavel, a nun. My best friend ( and life saver ) is ( in a later volume ) of the dog Genevieve, an enormously intelligent animal that dominates even the juggling and numeracy and Madeline saves from drowning. Other frequently occurring characters are Pepito, the son of the Spanish ambassador and an elderly Lord, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the school.

Madeline was erstpubliziert 1939 and was the first book of a successful series. The series is continued even today, as the author is currently serving the grandson of Erstverfassers, John Bemelmans Marciano -. The series formed the basis of a television series and was also filmed. As a consequence, also corresponding merchandising of dolls, games, videos etc. developed
