Magaly Solier

Magaly Solier Romero ( born June 11, 1986 in Palmayocc ) is a Peruvian actress and singer, who is a member of the Quechua.


Magaly Solier Romero was born in Palmayocc, in the Peruvian region of Ayacucho. The first school years were spent also in Palmayocc, after a stay in Lima she finally returned to Huanta where they policewoman to be with the aim of school completed. When they sold in 2006 to the main square of Huanta food to raise money for the graduation trip to Cusco, she was discovered by director Claudia Llosa and the cast for their first feature film madeinusa. In 2008 she had a supporting role in the film Dioses.

As " Fausta " Solier Romero plays the main role in the film The Milk of Sorrow, which won the Golden Bear at the 2009 Berlinale. At the award ceremony, she sang in thanks in Quechua, their native language.


  • 2006: madeinusa
  • 2008: Dioses
  • 2009: The Milk of Sorrow (La teta asustada )
  • 2009: Altiplano
  • 2010: Amador and Marcela's Roses ( Amador )