Mahdia (Guyana)

5.2666666666667 - 59.25Koordinaten: 5 ° N, 59 ° W

Mahdia is a municipality in Potaro - Siparuni in Guyana. In the resort there are gold and diamond deposits. Mahdia has about 500 residents from three different groups, Patanoma Indians, immigrants from St. Lucia and Dominica and Guyanern from other regions of Guyana. Mahdia is the regional administrative center of the region. The village has a police station, several schools and two hotels. The place is also supplied several times a week by several truck lines of Bartica, Linden, Mabura and Georgetown from. A fountain is no longer in operation, the residents use rainwater for water supply. Mahdia has a landing pad ( ID MHA ).

  • Location in Guyana
  • Potaro - Siparuni