Maia (mythology)

Maia (Greek Μαῖα, Μαίας or Μαίη ) is one of the seven Pleiades in Greek mythology.

She is the daughter of the Titan Atlas and Pleione and by Zeus the mother of Hermes, who is therefore called Maiadeus or Maias hyios. She is the nymph of Kyllene Mountains, where she was impregnated by Zeus. In Sophocles Hermes had the nymph Kyllene to nurse when Maia was ill and after the Libraries of Apollodorus it is the foster mother of Arkas after the death of his mother Callisto. After her death, she was displaced as the other Pleiades under the stars.

In the Greek area there is no pictorial or written references to a cult of Maia, of Pausanias does not mention his visit to the Hermes Temple on the mountain Kyllene.

On illustrations it appears in connection with Hermes. For example, it is shown on the Françoisvase at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis next to him on a cart standing.
