
Maildrop is a mail delivery agent (MDA) and mail filters for mail servers, which originated as MDA the Courier mail server, but for use with other Mail Transfer Agents and Message Stores also sold separately and in addition to Maildir and mbox support for this purpose.

Mail drop can filter e-mails based on various characteristics, such as:

  • Return address
  • Addressee
  • Subject line
  • Content of the e -mail
  • Spam ( in association with spam detection programs such as SpamAssassin )

Mail drop is often used as an alternative to procmail, as it is also actively maintained and unlike procmail supports a far more powerful and understandable syntax similar to that of Perl. To support maildrop example, very powerful means of branching if- elseif -else.


The following example of a $ HOME / .mailfilter routes incoming emails to SpamAssassin and then sorts them according to the markings.

If ( $ SIZE < 262144 ) {           xfilter " / usr / bin / spamassassin " }   if ( / ^ X-Spam- Status: * YES / ) {           to " Maildir / .Spam " } else {           to " Maildir / " } Explanation: First, it is checked whether the message is less than 256 kB ( 262144 bytes ), to avoid burdening SpamAssassin with large messages. If it meets the criterion of size, they will be passed to SpamAssassin via the command xfilter piped. Thereafter, it is checked whether SpamAssassin has marked the message as spam (X -Spam-Flag: YES). For this case, the message is sorted in the folder. Spam Maildir, otherwise it is quite normal delivered to the Maildir.

  • E-mail
  • Linux software
  • Solaris software
  • UNIX software
  • BSD Software
  • Content Filter