Maisach (Amper)

The Maisach at Maisach, approximately 14 rkm

The Maisach is an approximately 36 km long left tributary of the Amper in Bavaria, Germany. It runs in the Upper Bavarian counties Fürstenfeldbruck and Dachau and is named after the town of Maisach in Upper Bavaria.


Your source is located south of the High cell (part of Moore Weis ) on the road to Türkenfeld. They first flows north and touches Moore Weis and Grunertshofen. In Mammendorf it bends to the east and runs past Maisach, flows through Überacker and passes mountain churches. In Dachau it flows into the Amper.


The proceeds of the moss trench at Albertshofen ( Moore Weis ) the Maisach loses the width of a trench meadow. Her biggest tributary is the Erlbach from the wild moss in Jesenwang which opens at Mammendorf in the Maisach. Other tributaries are west of the Mammendorf Bussbach and pond brook, Lappach and Rottbach at Überacker.

Origin of the name

Maisach, first mentioned in 853 as Meisaha, is composed of Old High German aha, water, stream, river ' and Meisa, Tit ' and accordingly is as much as Meis river.


Since 2004, the beaver has been reintroduced to the river. Bite marks, as it is typical for Beaver, were already about 1990 above the sawmill alarm clock in Mammendorf on.

Rare: in the forest. Albertshofen, approximately 32 rkm

In mountain churches, approximately 4.5 rkm. ⊙ 48.25412687749711.381256580353

Riparian forest -like and dikes: just before the confluence with the Amper. Dachau, about 0.1 rkm.
