Maison Royale de Saint-Louis

The Maison Royale de Saint -Louis was a French boarding school in Saint- Cyr at Versailles, in the daughters of impoverished noble families a richer and freer education enjoyed as those which could bestow them the monasteries. It was founded at the request of 1675 by the Sun King levied for the Marquise and him since October 1683 for left hand wedded Madame de Maintenon in 1684 by decree of Louis XIV and took in 1686 in a funded by the King and by Jules Hardouin -Mansart specifically for this purpose built building the first " Demoiselles de Saint Cyr " on. The official closing of the home on August 16, 1792 which one of the effects of the French Revolution.

The students were also among illegitimate daughters of Louis XIV, and Maria Adelaide of Savoy, Duchess of Burgundy and mother of Louis XV.

Madame de Maintenon spent her final years in the Maison Royale de Saint Louis and was buried after her death in Saint- Cyr.


In 1682, Madame de Maintenon Madame de Brinon and to Madame de Saint -Pierre had noticed, two nuns, raising several young girls dedicated themselves. She established the two ladies and their pupils initially in Rueil, then in Noisy before they campaigned for the creation of a larger organization.

Originally wanted to Madame de Maintenon a monastery cause, but the Sun King denied her request on the grounds that "there is already enough monasteries abusing their rights." At her instigation founded the King, by decree before the grand council, in 1684 " a home and a community where a significant number of young, -derived from noble families, and particularly of late in the line of duty fathers girls (...) be entertained for free ( ... ) and all instructions should get that their birth and their gender may be appropriate. " in the following year he commissioned Jules- Hardouin Mansart, in the palace gardens of Versailles domain adjacent to Saint- Cyr, the Maison Royale to build. Its construction lasted fifteen months and it was completed in June 1686, when Louis XIV gave the institution the domain. In July, the first pupils of a title, who admitted her overall supervision and authority over the house of Madame de Maintenon were received and nominated for " Institut de la Maison Royale Rice de Saint -Louis ".

Although the institution after the outbreak of the revolution and the abolition of the feudal system and the privileges in 1789 from 1790 and citizens took up daughters, the Constituent Assembly decided (French: assemblée legislative ) its closure. This was officially opened on August 16, 1792, but left the last pupils and staff the house until March of the following year.
