Make Trade Fair

Make Trade Fair is launched by the aid organization Oxfam global campaign, which campaigns for equal rights of farmers in developing countries. It aims at the emancipation of the trade for sugar, cocoa, cotton and coffee producers in developing countries, especially in Africa.


Agricultural producers in developing countries today is the access to the markets of industrialized countries often denied because the industrialized countries protect their own farmers by high import tariffs and subsidies against unwanted competition. In addition, export the industrialized countries using export subsidies their surpluses to cotton, sugar, rice, chicken, vegetables, etc. to such low prices in developing countries, that the local farmers can not compete with these "predatory pricing ".


The " Make Trade Fair " campaign has focused on eliminating several trade practices. So Oxfam calls with the campaign for the abolition of export subsidies, the payment fair prices for agricultural products from developing countries and the opening of the markets of industrialized countries. Also the patent regime to combat that drive drug prices in developing countries into the air.

There is disagreement in particular the basic orientation of Make Trade Fair in the export of agricultural products from the developing to the developed countries (export orientation). This approach is compared with that of food sovereignty, according to which each country should produce first for the needs of its own people and secondary matter for international markets.

Among other things, famous actors and singers scheduled for Make Trade Fair and Fair Trade (for example, Thom Yorke, Heike Makatsch, Chris Martin, Michael Stipe and Colin Firth )
