
Malietoa is a Samoan high chief title, which also the last head of state of Samoa, Tanumafili II wore.

The structure of Samoan society is based on a complex hierarchy of titles whose carriers are commonly called Matai. Traditionally at the top of this hierarchy was the Tafaifa ( Four Dubbed ), who united the four highest titles ( Autua Tui, Tui Aana, Gatoaitele, Tamasoalii ) of the archipelago into one. The last Tafaifa, Tamasese, was deposed in 1889 by the colonial powers Germany, USA and England.

Earlier Malietoa

  • Vainuupo Tavita
  • Moli
  • Laupepa
  • Tanumafili I.
  • Tanumafili II