Malik Shah (Rûm)

Malik Shah was the Seljuk Sultan of Rum I. 1110-1116. He was the elder son of Kilij Arslan I.

Kilij Arslan drowned in the river Khabur in 1107 after he lost a battle against the combined forces of the Ortoqiden Ilghazis, Radwan and großseldschukischen General Emir Cavli. After this battle, Malik Shah I was brought as prisoners of war and hostages to Isfahan. He remained there until 1110. During the absence of a sultan of Rum - Seljuks, the Byzantines were previously able to recapture lost territories. The Rum - Seljuks had to withdraw to central Anatolia.

When Malik Shah in 1110 was released, he returned to Iconium, and was raised to the Sultan. Despite his return, he could not prevent further losses of territory. So the Danishmends the strongest Turkish power in Anatolia were. In addition, his brother, who later became Sultan Mas'ud I, Malik did not accept domination. 1116 Malik Shah I was overthrown by his brother with the help of Danishmends.

  • Sultan ( rum)
  • Born in the 11th century
  • Died in the 12th century
  • Man