Mambila language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Benue - Congo Bantoide languages Mambiloide languages Mambila - Konya



Mambila is a bantoide language of the semi Bantu languages.

The Mambila language is also called Mabila, Mambere or Mambilla and is a representative of the mambiloiden languages.

It is a dialect chain, which stretches over Nigeria and Cameroon. Notable dialects are Barup, Bang, Dorofi, Gembu, Hainari, Kabri, Mayo Ndaga, Mbamnga, Tamien, Tepo, Warwar ( in Nigeria ); Ju Ba, Sunu Torbi ( Torbi ), Ju Naare ( Gembu ), Langa ( in Cameroon). Well-known names in the Mambila language are, in addition to the dialectal name Bea, Ble, July, Lagubi, Nor, Nor Tagbo, TongBo.


  • Ethnologue report on Mambila
  • Mambiloid languages
  • Single language