
41.577519.69222222222228Koordinaten: 41 ° 35 'N, 19 ° 42 ' E

Mamurras ( Albanian: Mamurrasi ) is a small town in northern Albania. The whole community has, according to the local government about 21,500 inhabitants, of which about three-fifths live in the seven members of the community villages. In the 2011 census, however, only 15,284 inhabitants were captured. The municipality is located in the south of the district Kurbin, south of the main town Laç district, north of Kruja and around 35 kilometers north of the Albanian capital Tirana.

Mamurras located on the outskirts of the Albanian coastal plain. In the east, the Skanderbeggebirge rise to almost 1000 meters altitude. The Adriatic coast is about ten kilometers away. The area in between was a lot of marshy and was drained in the 20th century. Around Mamurras extended time extensive forests, which were notorious among travelers for the mounted therein bandits. Today only legends remember these forests.

Mamurras was long at the only road link from Central to Northern Albania in the coastal plain. For several years, introduces a new expressway that will be expanded to the motorway in 2009, through the coastal plain in the west, relieving the place from through traffic.
