
Jehol Group, Liaoning, China

Manchurochelys is the only well-known turtle genus of the Jehol biota. She lived during the Lower Cretaceous in what is now northern China.


Manchurochelys had a flat, nasal region small skull, without supra- marginal scales. They also had a very shallow tank, a cruciform plastron, but no Mesoplastra. Manchurochelys perhaps lived in the Lower Cretaceous lakes of northern China and put a life like today's turtles on the day.


There are three known types:

  • Manchurochelys manchoukuoensis ENDO, Shikama, 1942 was discovered during the Second World War. The holotype of this species was lost during the war.
  • Manchurochelys donghai MA, in 1986 was found in a coal mine in Jixi, perhaps belonging to a higher layer horizon as the Jehol biota.