Mandate (law)

Under a mandate (from the Latin ex manu date " out of hand given " ) is understood in the Legal Representation of the instruction by a given client to his lawyer. Mandates are " imperative ": The lawyer is obligated solely to represent the interests of his client and may be considered in violation accountable.

The mandate is an order to so-called " higher order services ", ie to a complex of services that need to be independently planned and weighed by the attorney and their usefulness or view wealth of the client generally can not judge; the lawyer is in the actual execution of his order, therefore, largely free.

However, it is an organ of justice (cf. § 1 Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung ) and thus is subject to special constitutional bonds, such as an independent professional ethics or special criminal sanctions.

The client is a client, the contractor ( in the actual use of language, however rarely) referred to as mandatary.

  • Litigation (in Germany )
  • Lawyers