
The mangabeys are a group of living in Africa primates from the family Cercopithecidae ( Cercopithecidae ).

Recent studies have shown that the mangabeys are not systematic group, but fall into three superficially similar species that are not particularly closely related.

  • The Weißlid - mangabeys ( Cercocebus ) are ground-dwelling animals with predominantly brown or gray coat color. Their closest relatives are probably the baking furrows baboons, which is why they are also called Mandrill Mangabeys. To this genus include six types: Olivmangabe ( Cercocebus agilis )
  • Rußmangabe (C. atys )
  • Goldbauchmangabe (C. chrysogaster )
  • Tana or Haubenmangabe (C. galeritus )
  • Sanje Mangabey (C. sanjei )
  • Halsbandmangabe (C. torquatus ), also called Rotscheitel or Rotkopfmangabe
  • The Schwarzmangaben ( Lophocebus ) are arboreal animals with dense black fur. This genus is closely related to the baboons and is therefore also called baboon - mangabeys. We distinguish six types: Grauwangenmangabe ( Lophocebus albigena )
  • Uganda Mangabe (L. ugandae )
  • Osman Hill Mangabe (L. Ottoman )
  • Johnston Mangabe (L. johnstoni )
  • Schopfmangabe (L. aterrimus )
  • Opdenbosch Mangabey (L. opdenboschi )
  • The 2005 discovered Kipunji Monkey, also known as Hochlandmangabe, was originally expected to Schwarzmangaben, but is now classified in a separate genus, Rungwecebus.