Mangrove Finch

Mangrove Darwin finch ( Camarhynchus heliobates )

The Mangrove Darwin finch ( Camarhynchus heliobates ) belongs to the tree finches ( Camarhynchus ) from the group of Darwin's finches. These are today counted among the tanagers ( Thraupidae ) or sometimes to the Buntings ( Emberizidae ).

The Mangrove Darwin Finch is one of the rarest birds on earth and in danger of extinction, as only about 100 specimens of this species are found on the Galapagos Islands. Its name comes from his living room from ( Mangrove forest ). This Singvogelart is found only on the island of Isabella. The Mangrove Darwin finch feeds on large insects, larvae, and sometimes used tools. He takes twigs or thorns in the beak and digs so by larvae or maggots.

The belly is olive, while the back side is rather greyish. Sparrows and finches are very similar to him in body type or size. The mangrove finch has a rounded wing shape and a rounded tail, which is often bent to one side.
