Mankanya language

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Senegal - Guinea Bak Manjaku - Papel


The West Atlantic language Mankanja (Portuguese Mancanha, French Mancagne ) is spoken by about 70,000 inhabitants, Guinea -Bissau, Senegal and The Gambia from the same people of the Mankanja.

It belongs to the family of languages ​​of the Niger - Congo languages ​​.

However, the language has an official status only in Senegal, and one spelling was developed whose textualization already in the course. Mankanja is of the ethnic group itself (which Mankanja or " Bahula " ) known as " Uhula ". The term ' Mankanja ' is mistakenly purchased from colonialists to the people who brought the name of their chief at the time of colonization on the group of people that language itself.

The language now contains many loanwords from Guineabissauischen Creole, from Portuguese and from the French. These languages ​​are spoken by the Mankanja as a second mother tongue or a foreign language. There is also a vast bilingualism with the Mandjak, a closely related language, the mutual is understandable, as well as other minority languages ​​are spoken in the region - such as Mandinka and Jula.


  • Ethnologue entry for " Mankanja "