Manlius Boethius

Nar (ius? ) Manlius Boethius was a Roman politician in the 5th century. He was a senator and held high office.


The name of Boethius 's on his diptych in the form of Nar. Manl (ius ) Boethius handed. On two inscriptions from Asia Minor, the name is Fl ( Avius ) Boethius. The resolution of the abbreviation Nar. is unclear. Earlier it was believed that it was a contraction of the initials of two names: N ( onius ) Ar ( Darius ). In the recent research, two other options are being considered: Narius, also otherwise of traditional Roman name, which is, however, not attested by the early 3rd century, and Marius, a common name, but a mistake of the scribe must be assumed.


Boethius was probably was the son of Boethius, the Praetorian prefect of Italy and in the year 454 by Emperor Valentinian III. was murdered. The beginning of his career is unknown. After he was for the first time been prefect of Rome, he was 480-486 praetorian prefect of Italy. In the year 487 he was full consul without a colleague and in the same year again prefect of Rome. He bore the title Patricius.

Boethius died soon after 487, for his born around 480/485 son, the philosopher Boethius, grew up fatherless.
