Manovo-Gounda St. Floris National Park

The nature park Manovo - Gounda St. Floris is a national park in the province Bamingui - Bangoran the Central African Republic.

Since 1988, the area is a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1997, it is continuously on the Red List of World Heritage in Danger because of illegal grazing and heavily armed poachers estimated 80 % of the wild stock was destroyed.

The park is significant because of its diverse plant and animal world. These include black rhino, elephant, cheetah, leopard, wild dogs, gazelles, and African buffalo. In the northern floodplains numerous water birds.

In 1997, four employees of the park were shot. Due to the lack of security after all development and tourism projects have been set.

With the participation of the European Union has since tried to limit by establishing hunting zones in the vicinity of the park poaching. These attempts failed, because these areas lie in the direction of the interior, while the majority of poachers cross the border of Chad and Sudan. These are often equipped with automatic weapons and organize regular hunt caravans along the national road leading through the park. In a survey from the air in 2005, it turned out that in some cases more wild lives in the hunting zones than in the National Park itself
