Mansion House (London)

The Mansion House in London is the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London.

The building was built in 1739-1752 in the Palladian style of George Dance the Elder. The foundation is designed as ashlar, are built on the three floors. The front facade is dominated by a portico with six Corinthian columns. Originally, there were also two bodies on the building, which were called " Mayor 's Nest " and "Noah's Ark ". The structures were torn down in 1795 the younger as part of a redesign of the roof by the son of the original architect, George Dance.

Every year, a banquet will be held at the Mansion House in the second half of June or in July. On this occasion, the British finance minister has traditionally had a special speech, the Mansion House speech.

In the Mansion House of the ceasefire in the Irish War of Independence was signed on 11 July 1921.
