Manuel de Jesús Troncoso de la Concha

Manuel de Jesus Troncoso de la Concha ( born April 3, 1878 in Santo Domingo, † May 30, 1955 ) was a Dominican writer, politician and president of the Dominican Republic.


Ascent to the President 1940-1942

Troncoso first attended the Escuela Preparatoria Seminario Conciliar and the Santo Tomás de Aquino, which he completed on November 25, 1895 with a bachelor's degree in philosophy and literature. He then completed a degree in law, according to its degree ( Licenciado ) he, on 3 April 1899 worked as an attorney the day of his 21st birthday. He was also the 1899-1911 editor in chief and publisher of the newspaper " Diario Listín ". Subsequently he was for a time Untersuchungsríchter at District Court of Santo Domingo. In 1914 he was appointed professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Santo Domingo, which had previously awarded him an honorary doctorate. In 1915 he was the founder of the law firm Troncoso, in the later his three sons and his son- entered beside him. After that, he was also for many years a professor of civil law at the local Faculty of Law. At times, he was also Rector of the University of Santo Domingo.

In addition began in 1911 his political activity, during which he, among others Minister of Justice and Public Instruction ( Secretario de Justicia e Instrucción Pública ), Interior and Police Minister ( Secretario de Interior y Policia ), construction and Communications Minister ( Secretario de Fomento y Comunicación ) and War and Navy Minister ( Secretario de Guerra y Marina) was.

Following the appointment of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina on August 18, 1930, he took over the governments first several ministerial posts before he became vice president on June 28, 1938 and thus representative of president Jacinto Bienvenido Peynado. When this passed away on March 7, 1940 Troncoso five days later as his successor President of the Dominican Republic. During his presidency, it was the end of the Trujillo -Hull Treaty, in which the 1924 agreement reached with the U.S. convention for collection of customs revenue was modified. This office he held two years before Trujillo in May 1942 finally himself again took over the presidency. He was elected in 1943 as President of the Senate ( Senado ) and held that office until a year before his death.

Scripture Generic work and family

In addition to his political career, he scored alongside Cesar Nicolás Pension of the most important narrators of traditionalism in Dominican literature. His pure and substantial writing style was not characterized by large survey, but rather by ease that presented itself in language development and fluency in his stories. This main themes of his stories were next to family issues, particularly historical facts and anecdotes of Dominican life. Like his political speeches witnessed his literary works of rich cultural knowledge, so that counterfeiting and memories found their way into his literary work.

His published under the pseudonym ' Juan buscón ' in the daily newspaper " La Nación " collection Dominican anecdotes of the past ( " Anecdotario dominicano de tiempos Pasados ​​" ) was remarkable for its extraordinary wealth of references to the lives of important personalities and characters of the 19th century and thus on the history of the Dominican Republic. His 1946 published book " Narraciones Dominicanas " was a collection of his most important stories such as " El misterio de Don Marcelino " and "La Virgen de las Mercedes y los de tiempo dominicanos Pasados ​​", which appeared 1943-1944 in " La Nación ".

Other works were:

  • " Elementos de Derecho Administrativo Dominicano "
  • " Narraciones Dominicanas "
  • " La ocupación de Santo Domingo por Haiti "
  • " El Brigadier Juan Sánchez Ramírez "
  • " La Génesis de al Convención Dominico - Americana ".

In 1944 he was co-founder and until his death, President of the Board of the Dominican Academy of History ( Academia Dominicana de la Historia ).

His daughter was the wife of the son of former President Ramón Cáceres, Cáceres E. Marino, who was agriculture minister in his government and later under Trujillo. His son Jesus Maria Troncoso was during his presidential ambassador to the U.S. and then 1943-1946 Secretary of the Treasury ( Secretario de la Tesorería ) under Trujillo. His son, Pedro Sanchez was Troncoso was during his presidency ambassador to Argentina, and later Minister of Education and President of the Supreme Court, while his son Wenceslao Troncoso also repeatedly ambassador and 1950-1952 President of the Central Bank.

