Manuel Lisa

Manuel Lisa (* 1772 in Louisiana; † Summer 1820) was Spanish fur traders in the United States.


Lisa was a businessman in St. Louis. In 1807 he made ​​an expedition together. Together with 42 men and the leader George Drouillard he went up the Missouri River to the mouth of the Bighorn River. There they built a trading post, which they called (also called Manuel 's Fort ) to Lisa's son Fort Raymond.

Upon his return to St. Louis, he and the other Chouteaus and the Missouri Fur Company. The Company was able to provide respected as Trapper John Colter and Andrew Henry in their services.

1809 Lisa's men built another station on the Missouri, Fort Lisa, 20 km from the present city of Omaha and surrounded by the hostile Blackfoot Indians. In various skirmishes at Fort about 20 whites and 40 Blackfoot died. Due to the constant dangers posed by the Blackfoot, the surviving Trapper under Henry's leadership had to retreat in the fall. They were long thought to be lost; only in 1811 met Lisa on it.
