
15.433055555556 - 92.897777777778Koordinaten: 15 ° 26 ' N, 92 ° 54 ' W

Mapastepec is a municipality in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. The municipality is located half in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas.

The name comes from the Nahuatl Mapastepec and means " mountain of the raccoons ." Mapastepec has about 44,000 inhabitants and an area of 1223.9 km ². Administrative seat and largest town of the Municipalities is the same Mapastepec, the nearest larger towns in the municipality are Sesecapa and Nuevo Milenio Valdivia.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Mapastepec Acapetahua, Acacoyagua, Siltepec, Monte Cristo de Guerrero, Ángel Albino Corzo, La Concordia and Pijijiapan and the Pacific Ocean.
