Maple sugar

As maple sugar (French Sucre d' érable, Eng. Maple sugar ) is called from the sap of the sugar maple - (Acer saccharum ) sugar obtained in North America.

Maple sugar equivalent in the purified state with respect to its composition and properties to the ordinary sugar (sucrose).

The northern states of the USA and Canada are the countries of production of this sugar. By tapping the trunks gets the juice, first by evaporation arises from the maple syrup. Upon further evaporation of the sugar crystallizes. Most of the harvest is sold as a syrup.

The sap of the tree contains 0.5 to 5 percent sugar; a tree provides 2 1 /2 to 3 kg of sugar per year. The extraction takes place from late February to early May.

The other types of maples contain sugar in their juice, but not so much.

  • Sucrose