Mar Saba

Mar Saba is a Greek Orthodox monastery near Bethlehem, named after its founder, St.. Sabas. It was founded in 483. Currently, only ten monks live there, in the 7th century there were about 4000. Spent here In the 8th century the Church Father John of Damascus his last years.

In the monastery Morton Smith (1915-1991) took place in 1958, the fragmentary copy of the Clement of Alexandria ascribed Briefs. It contained quotes from the Secret Gospel of Mark, now known as.

The Georgian Orthodox monastery in Chandsta trained in what is now northeastern Turkey monk Makari Leteteli settled as a calligrapher in Mar Saba, where he edited the anthology 864 ( collection of texts for classroom use ) Mravaltavi. The Saba monastery in the Middle Ages was an important center of Georgian scholarship and literature.

Mar Saba in 2005

Mar Saba in 2005
