Marble Mountains (San Bernardino County)


Marble Mountains

Aerial view of a part of the mountain range

The Marble Mountains are a mountain range in San Bernardino County in the U.S. state of California.

The mountain range is centrally located in San Bernardino County, far away from the coasts of the country inside the southern part of the state. South of the mountains is the city of Cadiz, north of Amboy. Compared to other mountain ranges in California and along the entire U.S. West Coast, the Marble Mountains are relatively low, the highest peak reaches a height of 685 meters. Due to the geographical situation prevails rather continental climate, snow falls, however, very rare because of its southern location. The area is relatively sparsely populated due to its proximity to the Mojave desert and desert-like, hence the scenic usage is low. Chance is the region of destination for nature lovers, hikers and sportsmen.
