Marco Di Tillo

Marco Di Tillo ( born 1951 in Rome ) is an Italian author, writer and film director.


Di Tillo has a degree in psychology and inspired at an early age for comics; his diploma thesis dealt with this art form. In numerous publications he wrote about or for the " Fumetti ", the Italian version. Di Tillo wrote plays for radio (from 1978 ) and since 1983 for television ( including " Forte fortissimo " for the Radiotelevisione Italiana and " Zap Zap " for TMC Monte Carlo ). In 1988, he staged for the cinema the Giallo Operazione pappagallo and debuted in 1994 with the written for children Il giovane cavaliere as a novelist. By 2010, five more novels were published. 2000 Di Tillo had worked with Un anno in campagna again for that movie.



  • Il giovane Cavaliere; Tre ragazzi ed il Sultano; Mom Natale; Mom Natale e i pirati; Rome for Two; Walkin 'Rome