Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (consul 78 BC)

Marcus Aemilius Lepidus ( 120 BC *, † 77 BC in Sardinia ) was a Roman politician of the late republic from the patrician family of the Aemilius.

Maybe he was 89 BC during the Social War military tribune. 82 BC, he probably took as legate of Sulla in the civil war the city Norba (this, however, could also have been Aemilius Lepidus Mamercus Livianus ). No later than 81 BC he was praetor in 80 BC as propraetor governor of Sicily.

78 BC Lepidus was consul. He tried to make the measures of the retired and died in this year dictator Sulla again reversed, but was officially introduced to the resistance of his colleague Quintus Catulus Lutatius and Optimates. As proconsul 77 BC he was supposed the provinces of Gallia Transalpine and Cisalpine Gaul manage, but moved with an army against Rome. He was beaten by Catulus at the Milvian bridge and then again at Cosa of Catulus and Pompey. Lepidus was forced to flee to Sardinia, where he died soon afterwards.

His son of the same was a member of the second triumvirate.
