Marcus Livius Salinator

Marcus Livius Salinator was a Roman senator and military in the 3rd century BC

In 219 BC he was consul Lucius Aemilius Paullus along with and fought with his colleague against the Illyrians. Both received a triumph for their successes, but Livy was subsequently convicted for alleged embezzlement of prey. He retired a few years back from Rome and only returned during the Second Punic War.

In his second consulship in 207 BC he defeated along with his counterpart Gaius Claudius Nero the advancing troops of Hasdrubal at the Battle of Metaurus. In the same year Livy was also a dictator to hold elections. In the following year he served as proconsul in Etruria and northern Italy before he was 204 BC, in turn, elected together with Claudius Nero to censor.
