Marcus Vinicius (consul 30)

Marcus Vinicius († 46 AD) was a Roman politician in the 1st century AD

His eponymous grandfather was consul was 19 BC, his father Publius Vinicius Consul 2 AD The younger Marcus Vinicius was consul ordinarius (consul at the beginning of the year) 30 AD He married 33 Livilla Iulia, the daughter of Germanicus, and became intermarried with the imperial family. Under Caligula, he was 38/39 proconsul of the province of Asia. Vinicius, whose wife was sent into banishment by Caligula, was involved in the assassination of the Emperor and had ambitions to rule. After participating in the conquest of Britain by the Emperor Claudius new Vinicius was 45 ordinarius consul for the second time. At the instigation of the emperor 's wife Messalina he was assassinated the following year.

Velleius Paterculus devoted Vinicius on the occasion of its first consulate his history.

  • Man
  • Consul ( Roman Empire )
  • Born in the 1st century BC or 1st century
  • Died 46