Marcy Dermansky

Marcy Dermansky ( born June 9, 1969 in New Jersey ) is an American author and film critic.


Dermansky is a member of the MacDowell Colony and the Edward Albee Ranch. She is the winner of Story Magazine Carson McCullers short story prize in 1999 and the Smallmouth Press Andre Dubus Novella Award 2002 Their stories were in the literary magazines, McSweeney's, The Alaska Quarterly Review, The Indiana Review, and in the anthology Love Stories. : A Literary Companion to Tennis published. She is a film critic for and belongs to the New York Film Critics Online at. She lives with her ​​husband, the writer Jürgen Fauth and her daughter Nina, in Wiesbaden.


My first book, Twins, was published by William Morrow and Company, 2005. Her second novel, Bad Marie, was published in 2010 by Harper Perennial.
