Marek Borowski

Marek Borowski ( born January 4, 1946 in Warsaw) is a Polish politician, 1993-1994 Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Marshal of the Sejm in the years 2001 to 2004, Member of the Sejm in the I, II, III. , IV and VI. Election period.

He studied foreign trade at the Warsaw School of Economics with a focus on international economic relations. From 1991 on, he sat in the Sejm, he was a member of the Committee on Economic Policy, Budget and Finance. From 1993 to 1994 he was Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers from 1996 to 2001, he served as Vice Chairman of the Sejm. He was elected as the successor of the 5th Marshal of the Sejm Maciej Płażyński 2001.

He belonged to the following parties: from 1967 to 1968 and from 1975 to 1990 PZPR (without party office ). In 1989, he joined the movement July 8 ( reform group in the Polish United Workers Party ) to. In 1990 he became a member of the post-communist successor party, Social Democracy of the Republic of Poland ( SdRP ). On March 26, 2004, he was one of the founders of the Social Democratic Party of Poland ( SDPL ), a newly formed Left Party.

On a SDPL - special party the party members Marek Borowski chose their candidate for president, because in October 2005, the successor to the Social Democrats Aleksander Kwasniewski was elected, was not allowed to run again after two terms. Marek Borowski reached on the first ballot (October 9 ), only 10.3 percent of the votes and thus came in fourth place. Borowski's campaign slogan was: " Prawy Czlowiek Lewicy " so on "( Ge) Right man of the left".

He stood as a candidate in regional elections in November 2006 as Mayor of Warsaw. He was supported by all left-wing parties. In the second round, he joined the Conservative-Liberal candidate of the Civic Platform (PO ), Hanna Gronkiewicz -Waltz, which took office in December 2006, according to their choice.

In the 2007 parliamentary elections, he was ( Left and Democrats - LiD ) with 75 493 votes for the electoral district of Warsaw I on the list of Lewica i Demokraci again confirmed as a Member of the Sejm.

Since 22 April 2008 he has been Chairman of the newly formed group SDPL - Nowa Lewica.
