Margaret of France, Queen of England and Hungary

Margaret of France, Marguerite Capet ( * ca 1158, † 1197 in Tyros ), Princess of France, was the wife of Henry the Younger, co-regent of England and later of King Béla III. of Hungary. She was the eldest daughter of King Louis VII of France from his second marriage to Constance, daughter of King Alfonso VII


During her infancy Marguerite was established in August 1958, Prince Henry of Anjou- Plantagenet (* February 28, 1155, † June 11, 1183 ), then almost three years old, engaged to be married. The secured Henry's father, King Henry II of England, the promised dowry, the Vexin and his border fortresses. The engagement was the result of a policy of reconciliation between the King of France and Henry, who was a vassal of the French king at the same time because of his French territorial possessions. Henry was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine, who had been the first wife of Louis. The marriage had been 15 years, consisted of her but no male heir to the throne had emerged. The marriage was eventually canceled in 1152 due to close kinship. Eleanor married out without the consent of her ex-husband Henry, then still only pretenders to the English throne. Ludwig initially refused to recognize Henry claims to Aquitaine. There was, however, in feudal law no formal rules, so would clearly violate the Henry through his marriage to Eleanor that one for his collection of its territorial possessions could punish him. It took even only some military and diplomatic exchange games until the now remarried Ludwig officially abandoned in August 1154 on the title of Duke of Aquitaine.

Margaret of France was handed over to her future father in law, who should take over their education. Ludwig sat down, however, with the claim by the child should not grow up in the court of the Plantagenets, where there was a danger in his view, that it would come into the household of his ex- wife Eleanor.

To obtain the highly strategic castle and the surrounding areas as soon as possible, the two children were married very early. The wedding ceremony took place in early November 1160 held in Le Neubourg, though bride and groom were with her two or five years of life to young to give their consent, as this would have been required by canon law. In addition, the English royal couple could hope united on the head of her son to see the crowns of England and France through this marriage, Marguerite's father, King Louis VII, no son to bear witness. For Louis VII meant, scheduled wedding that the Norman Vexin would go at least a decade earlier than he had expected in the possession of the Plantagenets.

Henry the Younger was, as usual, already crowned his father's lifetime. It is not clear why Margaret was not crowned at the ceremony. It seems that Margaret stayed with her ​​mother- in Caen. It is not clear whether this was intentional, in order possibly to snub her father. Margaret of France was finally crowned on September 27, 1172 in the Cathedral of Winchester. Even Henry the Younger was a second time put the crown at this ceremony. Marguerite gave birth to a son, William (* June 19, 1177, † June 22, 1177 ). 1183 Henry fell ill at the Ruhr and died on June 11, 1183rd Three years later married Marguerite King Béla III. of Hungary. After his death in 1196 she undertook a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Shortly after their arrival in Tyre died Marguerite of France at the age of 39 years and have found their final resting place in the church choir to Tyre.

Marriage and issue

She was married to
