Margerie Glacier

It rises on the southern flank of Mount Root on the border with the Canadian province of British Columbia and flows at a rate of almost two meters per year in a northeasterly direction parallel to the boundary line in the Tarr Inlet. Approximately one kilometer northeast lies the mouth of the Grand Pacific Glacier.

The ice front rises about 75 m above the waters of the fjord, about 30 m below water. During the past decades the glacier has grown by around ten meters per year. 1990 clashed the mouths of Margerie and Grand Pacific Glacier, the Grand Pacific has, however, withdrawn in the following years and so worried again for two separate Eisfronten.

It was named glacier in 1923 by Lawrence Martin from the United States Geological Survey by Emmanuel de Margerie ( 1862-1953 ), a French geologist who in 1913 visited the Glacier Bay.
