Mari Jászai

Mari Jászai (actually Maria Krippel ) ( born February 24, 1850 in Ászár, county Komárom, † October 5, 1926 in Budapest) was a Hungarian actress.

Curriculum vitae

Born the daughter of a carpenter, she worked at the age of 10 years as a nanny, then she was a servant in Vienna and Budapest. She was canteen assistant at the battle of Hradec Kralove. Her actual name Krippel displeased her so much that they even removed it from her birth certificate because the German meaning of the word as cripple sounds. In the company of Gusztáv Hubay she disappeared secretly as a 16- year-old after Székesfehérvár and began there on as an extra. They already played in 1867 in Buda, 1869 contracted in the Kolozsvári Állami Magyar Színház. She met her first husband Vidor Kassai ( comedian ) when staying at Buda know, from whom she separated after two years of marriage.

It was in 1872 a member of the Nemzeti színház to which she remained faithful to her death, only they moved in 1900 for only one year in the Vígszínház. In its initial presentation, she played Bánk Bans Gertrude. In 1893 she taught for a year at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Budapest. She was considered Männerverschlingerin, but gave themselves note their connections to go through profound, after her divorce, she never married again, however.

Artistic Features

She was a natural talent, her knowledge, she deepened with continuous learning. It shone especially in tragedies, played the female roles in Shakespeare as Antigone, Jocasta, Electra, Cleopatra, Queen Margaret, Lady Macbeth, Volumnia, Goneril, Konstanse, the Ammenfrau and Capulet had presented with outstanding talent - she played her last role in Richard III. as the widow of Gloster. With dedication and skill they told the poems of Sándor Petőfi among others in the evening performances for the workers. Translated Ibsen's John Gabriel Borkman also, to the Nemzeti Színház had listed ( Theatre in Budapest). Jászai played in at least 300 roles. After her death in 1926 her diaries were published, their notes are also seen theater historically valuable for future generations.


Your name also carry numerous areas such as, among others, the 5th district of Budapest, part of the 8th district, the theater in Tatabánya. Even on the planet Venus, a crater was named after her and the Mari - Jászai - price treasures the memories of them.

Best-known representations

  • Tükröm (Budapest) 1909
  • Színész és közönség 1918

From her

  • Jászai Mari emlékiratai. Sajtó alá rendezte: Lehel István. Rajzokkal ellátta: Haranghy Jenő. Királyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, Budapest 1926 ( Nachdruck. Babits Kiadó, Szekszárd 2003, ISBN 963-9272-92-2 ).
  • Írásai. Emlékezések, Napló, Tanulmányok. Válogatta és a bevezető tanulmányt IRTA Debreczeni Ferenc. Müvelt Nép, Budapest 1955.
  • Tükör - játék. Válogatott írások, levelek ( = Magyar Thália. Vol. 2). Szerkesztette Balatoni Monika. Kairosz, Budapest 2002, ISBN 963-9406-63-5.