Maria Lanc

Maria Lanc ( born 1911 as Maria Jenewein ) lived with her ​​husband, the medical officer Arthur Lanc, 1944 in Gmünd, Lower Austria. The couple owned a house in church lane 35

In the early summer of 1944 met a transport of Hungarian Jews in 1700 in Gmünd, which was housed in a granary. Arthur Lanc and his wife Maria decided to help the inmates by any means necessary in order to alleviate their suffering. They collected clothes, food, medicines, and infant and child laundering.

In late autumn 1944, ordered that the prisoners should be transferred to the destruction of the concentration camp at the approach of the fronts. The date for the deportation of the Jews from the camp was intended for the end of March. Dr. Lanc rushed into the camp and decided three Jewish families - to save fish family with three children aged five, four and one year the Yugoslav nurse Piroska blue and a lawyer from Sopron, Georg Uhely.

At night, the three families fled through a small back door of the granary. The refugees were first hidden at the head forester Christian, then they were housed until the end of the war in the house of Mary and Arthur Lanc, in the knowledge that the death penalty was threatened for such an act.

December 16, 1986 Lanc Maria and her husband Arthur of Yad Vashem was awarded in a solemn ceremony in Vienna the Medal of Honor of the " Righteous Among the Nations ".
