Maria Teschler-Nicola

Maria Teschler - Nicola ( born October 24, 1950 in Eggenburg ) is an Austrian anthropologist, ethnologist and human biologist. According to her, the Pallister - Killian syndrome is also known as Teschler - Nicola syndrome.

From 1971 to 1976 studied Teschler - Nicola at the University of Vienna Human Biology, folklore and medicine, and his doctorate in 1976 Dr. phil. ( Majoring in Human Biology ). Initially she worked as a research assistant and later as a contract and Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Biology, University of Vienna; since 1997, she was director.

Since 1998 she has been director of the Department of Archaeological Biology and Anthropology at the Natural History Museum in Vienna.


  • Venia Legendi of Human Biology (1993 )
  • Appointment as " extraordinary university professor " by resolution by the Federal President (2000)
  • Silver Medal for Service to the City of Vienna ( March 2005)