Mariano Riccio

Mariano Riccio (* 1510 in Messina, † 1593 ) was an Italian painter of the Renaissance in Sicily.


Mariano Riccio was a pupil of Alfonso Franco, then by Polidoro da Caravaggio, whose painting style he adopted. He painted mainly altarpieces, which are usually located in the room Messina. Much of his work was lost in the earthquake of Messina in 1908.

In Messina, a street was named after Mariano Riccio.

His son Antonello Riccio (active in the second half of the 16th century ) was also a painter in Messina.


  • Museo Regionale di Messina panel Pietà ( from the Church of Mary Magdalene in Palermo)
  • Church of San Francesco d' Assisi ( Messina): Painting
  • Church of San Nicolò di Bari ( Villafranca Tirrena ): panel painting " Annunciation "
  • Chiesa Madre ( Pistunina ): "St. Nicholas of Brari "