Marie-Louise von Franz

Marie -Louise von Franz ( born January 4, 1915 in Munich, † 17 February 1998 in Küsnacht near Zurich ) was a Swiss classical philologist, an employee of CG Jung, practicing psychotherapist and teacher and training analyst at C.-G. Jung Institute Zurich. She is known for their deep psychological interpretations of fairy tales and alchemical texts.

  • 5.1 Literature on Marie -Louise von Franz
  • 5.2 Movies


Marie -Louise von Franz was born as the daughter of an Austrian Colonel in the General Staff of the Austro -Hungarian army in Munich; she lived from 1918 in Switzerland, where she was naturalized in 1938. She studied psychology and classical philology at the University of Zurich, she completed her doctorate on the aesthetic perception of the Illiasscholien 1943.

Collaboration with C. G. Jung

Your first for her deeply impressive encounter with Jung she had as a schoolgirl, after which she then attended his lectures at the ETH Zurich.

In 1933, her long collaboration with Carl Gustav Jung began ( until his death in 1961 ) which was particularly intense in the field of his studies of alchemy. Translated - and later commented - for him Latin and Greek texts. So they added boys age mystery coniunctionis work with an interpretation of Aurora consurgens, a Christian alchemical text, which appeared in 1957. The experience of what CG Jung called objective psyche or collective unconscious, influenced her life and work as well as their confrontation with the reality of the psyche, which is opposed to the autonomous consciousness.

Working as an analyst

In her psychotherapy practice in Küsnacht she pointed over 60,000 dreams of clients and practiced until her death.

For many years she was a lecturer and training analyst at the CG Jung Institute in Zurich and honorary president of the Research and Training Centre for Depth Psychology according to CG Jung and Marie -Louise von Franz

In 1974 she founded together with some of her students ( René Malamud, Willi Obrist, Alfred Ribi, Paul Walder ), the Foundation for Jungian psychology. This has the support of research and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Jungian depth psychology to the destination. In the foundation's own publishing the magazine Jungiana appears.


  • The physicist and Nobel laureate Wolfgang Pauli: From 1947 to 1955 was Marie -Louise von Franz in exchange with Wolfgang Pauli. At first she helped him with translations of texts by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) and Robert Fludd ( 1574-1637 ). Marie -Louise von Franz and Wolfgang Pauli stood for many years in intensive scientific exchange on issues of relationships between physics and depth psychology, number and archetype, but also through Pauli's dreams and active imaginations, which he told of Francis, who was temporarily his analyst. The relationship between the two lasted until 1955; it probably was not easy, but platonic nature. From their correspondence only the letters of Paul to Franz are obtained. Pauli's widow France destroyed the letters of Marie -Louise von Franz according to Pauli's death.
  • With the analyst Barbara Hannah Jung encouraged Marie -Louise von Franz, with her colleague and analyst Barbara Hannah to live together. About the reason for their coexistence said C. G. Jung, both are primarily interested in analysis and analysts should not live alone. The two women used a lifelong friendship.


Her work reveals four priorities:

  • Topic Alchemy: She edited, translated and commented the Thomas Aquinas attributed alchemical treatise Aurora Consurgens, which was published as the third volume of CG Jung's Mysterium coniunctionis 1957. Towards the end of her life she commented Hal ar - rumuz (Book of the Explanation of symbols ) of the Arab alchemist Muhammad Ibn Umail.
  • Fairy tale interpretations. The interpretations commissioned by Hedwig von Beit in their symbolism of the tale comes from Marie -Louise von Franz, and made ​​in the period of 1938-48. From this fund and its continued work in fairy tales a whole series of publications emerged about fairy tales, which she has become known to a wider audience. Marie -Louise von Franz's fairy tale publications are mainly revised lectures. Topics include, for example, the problem of evil and the change in the attitude towards the archetype of the feminine.
  • Starting in 1960, dealt Marie -Louise von Franz, based on Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity, with the archetypal conception of the natural numbers. So she tried the behind the phenomena of mind and matter unit aspect of being, the Unus Mundus to approach, what she writes in her work number and time. The question of the relationship between psyche and matter is also her book reflections of the soul. Projection and recollection after in the psychology of CG Jung. Essays on this topic from the period 1960-1986 are collected in the book of psyche and matter. In it are also essays on the principle of synchronicity. Marie -Louise von Franz was the first who drew attention to the parallels between the mathematical structure of DNA and the I Ching in 1968.
  • Your psychotherapeutic practice as a basis of experience for lectures on the problems of psychology. Many of these lectures were published in revised form in different places.


The compensation of the one-sidedness of Christianity by the collective unconscious was a fundamental theme in her work. This question discuss them

  • In their analysis of the dreams of the martyr PerpetuaDarin it shows " how the Will of the Christian faith, the transition from antiquity to Christianity, in the soul of people affected then represented. "
  • On the basis of vessel symbolism of the Grail in the Grail legends (and its Gralsgestalt Merlin).
  • In their work on alchemy, especially the Aurora Consurgens and Hal ar - rumuz (Book of the Explanation of symbols ) of the Arab alchemists Muḥammad Ibn_Umail.
  • In the visions of Saint Nicholas of Flue. These have, according to Franz on the dark, evil and cosmic nature as parts of a holistic image of God. They revealed "certain basic tendencies of the collective unconscious, which aim to develop the Christian religious symbol" and show " Orientierungpsunkte that give us ... where the unconscious psyche wants to take us there: namely, to deeper realization of opposites problem and thereby greater closeness to God and godliness. "

Fairytale understanding

Your fairy tale interpretations based on guys view that " the fairy tale as a spontaneous, naive product of the soul [ ... ] probably not say other than that [ can ], which is the very soul. Marie -Louise von Franz understood as average fairy tale images of different phases of the experience of psychic reality. They are " the purest and simplest expression of collective unconscious psychic processes. The meaning of a text is included in the set of motifs and the specific course of action. Although each tale is a relatively closed system with an ever essential psychological meaning, all fairy tale rewrite apparently had the same unknown and ausschöpfbare psychological fact. Jung calls this the self, which is the spiritual wholeness of an individual as also, paradoxically, the regulating center of the collective unconscious ". Each represented a fairy tale archetype represents on the one hand merely an aspect of the collective unconscious. On the other hand, he always represents in each case also the whole collective unconscious. Hero and heroine - the role models for the audience - representing the archetypal basis of the ego-complex. They are " like a mission statement for the often deviating from the basic instinct of individual consciousness ." Firstly, it can be understood as a function of the self, but also a symbol for a 'right' claimed by the psychic wholeness Ichhaltung. G. Isler explained by Franzens understanding: "Both the figure of the hero as well as the whole course of the fairy tale plot compensate for the initially inadequate or incorrect adjustment of the consciousness: The initial emergency or shortage situation is resolved at the end of the tale, this usually has a ' holistic ' structure than the beginning, which ( eg expressed by the young king ) corresponds to a renewal of the now prevailing consciousness that now ' is more correctly aligned ' to the psychic wholeness. "Fairytale compensate the one hand, the individual consciousness, but also an " insufficient adjustment of the collective consciousness, which is predominantly from the European culture through Christianity ."


After her death appeared:

  • 2001 Window to eternity. The painting of Peter Birkhäuser, Jungiana Series B Volume 7, Foundation for Jungian psychology, Küsnacht 2001. ISBN 3-908116-55-4.
  • 2008 Cat. A story about the redemption of the feminine. Original title The cat. A Tale of Feminine Redemption, 1999. Translation from the English by G. Tak Kappes. Foundation for Jungian psychology, Küsnacht 2008. ISBN 978-3-908116-68-4.
  • 2009 active imagination and alchemy. ( Engl Original: Alchemical Active Imagination, 1979). Translation from English by Renate Kehl- Isler. Foundation for Jungian psychology, Küsnacht 2009 ( German edition ). ISBN 978-3-905681-53-6.

Literature on Marie -Louise von Franz

  • Kappes, Alison: Bibliography of Marie -Louise von Franz In: Jungiana Series A, Volume 2, pp. 33-46.
  • In the volumes of the series Jungiana A Band 1-11, 1989 to 2003 can be found, inter alia, unpublished articles, lectures and interviews by and with Marie -Louise von Franz
  • The 8th volume of Jungiana series A ( Marie -Louise von Franz, January 4, 1915 until February 17, 1998. ) Is dedicated to Marie -Louise Franz.

