Marie of the Incarnation

Barbe Acarie, born Avrillot ( born February 1, 1566 Paris, † April 18, 1618 in Pontoise ), was the wife of Pierre Acarie and mother of six children. She led the Discalced Carmelite nuns in France, came after the death of her husband even in the Order, where she took the religious name Marie of the Incarnation, and was beatified in 1791. Your feast day is April 18.

Wife, mother and influential woman

Barbe Acarie was sixteen years old, the wife of Pierre Acarie, with whom she led a happy marriage thirty-two years. During her married life she was convinced that a deeply religious, mystical life can be connected to family and social involvement certainly. She attended with joy and love for their six children, three daughters and three sons. Through their birth and marriage, she belonged to the upper class of society of Paris and was in their surroundings to become an influential woman. She was asked by the powers of the city and the French royal court, thanks to their humanity, and above all because of their deep devotion for advice and instruction very early. Your deeply religious attitude caused them to make those in power of their country repeatedly clear that their power which was entrusted to them by God, is to be understood as a service to the people. They even took advantage of their special position to campaign in Paris for the poor and needy.

Introduction of Carmel in France

Your influential fact was that they brought the Teresian Carmel ( Reformed by Teresa of Ávila branch of the Order of Mount Carmel ) to France. End of the 16th and beginning of the 17th century, the political situation in France was very tense (see: Huguenot wars ). Barbe Acarie and others were convinced that France in need especially of religious renewal. After the Council of Trent (1545-1563), the reform of the Catholic Church in Spain and Italy was progressing well. In France, however, was still much to do. In the Paris Salon of Madame Acarie met those who had interest in such reform. During his first diplomatic trip in 1602 also St. Francis de Sales was joined to this county in the house of Acaries. For the introduction of the Carmelites in France, she received support from Pierre de Bérulle. In addition to personal renewal of piety appeared to them all of Carmel to be most appropriate to advance the renewal of the church in France. Madame Acarie and her circle, therefore, sent a delegation to Spain to invite the Spanish Carmelites into France. The first foundation of the Carmelites then took place in Paris on 18 October 1604.

Entry into the Carmel and death

After the death of her husband Pierre Acarie 1614 she joined himself with forty-eight years in the Carmel of Pontoise and took the religious name Marie of the Incarnation. Even before their order entry she had repeatedly mystical experiences that reinforced in her life in Carmel. When the news broke of her death on April 18, 1618 in Pontoise, you said once that now a saint has died.


Her son Pierre ensured that already in 1622 all the necessary documents were collected to begin the beatification process. This was completed in 1632. However, the documents were located in Rome. Only at the end of the 18th century, the process under Pope Pius VI. again rolled up and brought to a conclusion. On June 5, 1791 was solemnly beatified in Rome in St. Peter's Basilica. Your feast day is April 18.
