Marie Thérèse Haze

Maria Theresa Haze ( born February 27, 1782 Liège, † January 7, 1876 same place ) was a Belgian nun, and the first Superior General of the Daughters of the Holy Cross. She was beatified in Rome on 1991.


Johanna Haze wanted to be like her own sister is two years older Ferdinanda his sister. They taught poor girls in sewing and knitting and tended the sick uncared for. In 1832, the free school of the sisters was relocated to a new building, four classes could be conducted, and two other like-minded women joined them. Her confessor was the chaplain Johann Wilhelm Habets, Rector and confessor to the Carmelite convent in Liege. The bishop instructed Habets with drafting the rule and confirmed it in 1833. September 8, 1833, the celebration of the foundation of the cooperative and the clothing of women religious took place. The three sisters in the foundation in 1834 and died in 1835, while the Mother Superior Maria Theresa lived to a great age.
