Marko Marulić

Marko Marulić ( born August 18, 1450 Split; † January 5, 1524 ) was a Croatian poet and European humanist.


Marko Marulić came from a noble family and was formed first in Split, then in Padua. Split was then in its heyday. Humanism and the Renaissance spread from Italy at the time of the other Mediterranean countries. One dedicated Tideo Acciarini, an outstanding poet and educator, of the humanistic school of Split. Marulić was his pupil and already wrote with 16-17 years of Latin epigrams, some of which have survived.

His first successful work is the institution by 1507. This is the first book in Latin, which was even translated into Japanese. The work was launched 62 times.

Although Marulić preferred the Latin Croatian, although he is considered the father of Croatian literature. He was the first to Petrarch and Dante translated into Croatian.

He wrote the epic poem Judita in Croatian language ( in Old Čakavisch, Croatian dialect), according to all standards of humanistic epic. It is noteworthy that Marulić Europeanized the Croatian poetry in 1501, by being the first applied the high demands of the Western European standards for the versification of the Croatian language.


  • The comic seal Poklad i korisma (Carnival and Lent)
  • The song Molitva suprotiva Turkom ( Prayer against the Turks ) describes shattering what had to endure the attacks of the Turks, Croats and was regarded for centuries as a model for patriotic poetry.
  • In the song Tuženje grada Hijerozolima ( The action of the city of Jerusalem ) in 1522 describes Marulić all atrocities suffered by the people and turned in Croatian stanzas with an appeal to the Pope. In which the Pope is asked annoying not to be lazy (" ... ne se lini ... " ), because otherwise it will be too late. Marulić is thus the first Croat who an open letter to Pope Hadrian VI. taught.