Marlene (given name)

Marleen is a female first name. This name was known through the song Lili Marleen during the Second World War, which was sung by Lale Andersen. A renewed surge in popularity received its name in 1976 by ​​the eponymous hit single by Marianne Rosenberg.

Origin and Meaning

Marleen is a double name, composed of Maria and Magdalena. Some variants such as Maleen but have only the origin Magdalene.

Marlene is a name of German origin, the double name of Maria and Helene - means the sun is the same.


  • Marlén
  • Marlene
  • Marlène (French)
  • Marlen
  • Maleen
  • Malena
  • Marlena ( Polish)
  • Painting
  • Marleene
  • Marleena


May 27 and 22 July

  • Female first name