Marliese Echner-Klingmann

Marlyn Fechner Kling - man ( born January 26, 1937 in Heidelberg; actually Marie -Elisabeth Fechner - Kling man) is a German dialect poet and playwright.


Marlyn Fechner - Kling man was born as Marie -Elisabeth Fechner in 1937 in Heidelberg. She grew up with a six- year younger brother Henry to the village carpenter Eschelbronn, where she still lives today. From 1939, her father fought as a soldier in World War II, where he died in 1945. Meanwhile, the rest of the family lived on the grandparents' farm. After her schooling, graduating with the average maturity, Marlyn Fechner trained as an office clerk. When she married in 1959, she gave up her job. From this marriage two children were born.

Marlyn Fechner - Kling man began in the late 1960s, poems, stories and commentaries in the vernacular Eschelbronner compose. In 1981, she won for satire " Memorial Day " the second prize at the Palatine dialect poetry competition in Bockenheim on the wine route. Over the years she received several other prizes for poems, stories and plays.

In 1988 she founded the occasion of the 1200th anniversary Eschelbronner the theater group "Sell Emols ". My first play is called "Sell Emols - From weaver - as a carpenter village", which was premiered by the "Sell Emols Theaterleit Eschelbronn " in late 1989. All of her plays are based on real events that have happened in Eschelbronn and in Zuzenhausen.

She published together with Ilse Rohnacher three dialect poetry books and in 2000 the " Kraichgauer vocabulary ", are to look up in the words and phrases of the eastern Kraichgau. In 1996 Fechner - Kling man in the nationwide competition held national prize for folk plays the sponsorship of the country for her play " From Lisbeth IHRM diary - E village em Kraichgau vun 1939-1945 ", which was recorded by the SWR - TV and aired in the third television program. From time to time she holds readings at schools, libraries, or at trade shows. In 2008, she was awarded in recognition of her life's work home Medal of the State of Baden- Wuerttemberg.


Volumes of poetry

  • Ilse Rohnacher: stubble stroke. Dialect poems. Palatine Publishing Company, Landau 1984
  • Ilse Rohnacher: You I un. Dialect poems. Heidelberg Publishing House, Heidelberg 1988
  • Ilse Rohnacher: Blädderraschle. Dialect poems. C. Winter, Heidelberg 1996
  • Set Gedankensplitter in rhymes, Sinsheim 2011 - Of people and other people


  • Village stories in dialect and written German. Info -Verlag, Karlsruhe 2004; ISBN 3-88190-356-9


  • Kraichgauer vocabulary. Words and phrases from the eastern Kraichgau. Published by the home club Kraichgau, Epping 2001, ISBN 3-921214-18-1


  • Sell ​​Emols. From weaver - as a carpenter village (1989 )
  • Veronika Seyfert (1993 )
  • Zuzenhausen, a village on the Elsenz (2004)
  • Dorfleewe (2008)
  • 20 years Emols Sell (2009)


  • Literary Association of the Pfalz, patrons dialect days, Bock home on the Wine Route